+ Associates
Market Rate Housing Projects

Pleasant Hill Transit Village
Walnut Creek
This project, an 18-acre site owned by BART, includes several parcels leased to AvalonBay Communities.The site includes retail, office, a new BART parking structure, two parks, and over 400 housing units.
Luk + Associates has been the engineer and surveyor of record since project commencement in 2002. We performed the initial topographic and boundary survey for the entire site; and prepared the tentative and final map.
Luk + Associates provided civil engineering design for all phases of the project, including master utility planning; and grading, drainage, and utility plans for on-site and off-site improvements. This work also involved extensive coordination with BART, Contra Costa County Public Works, and relevant utility agencies to resolve design issues and conflicts between new and existing utilities. We also prepared BART Facilities Standard drawings for work that occurred within BART right-of-way.